Mr. Kills Small has parts in the videos: Sucker Punched, Nagi Kicopi (Calling Back the Spirit,) Lost Landscapes, and Bones of Contention: Repatriation and Reburial (BBC.) Jerome is a storyteller for public schools, museums, and colleges.
Jerome translates, explains, and sings Lakota ceremonial, sweatlodge, powwow, rabbit, round dance, warrior, vision quest, and sundance songs. He sings with the Iron Wing Singers of Wagner, SD. He is a powwow organizer, announcer, arena director, and helps in conducting Lakota ceremonies.
He portrayed Tecumseh, a Shawnee Chief and British General. He also portrayed Dr. Charles Alexander Eastman, the first Dakota Medical Doctor.
Mr. Kills Small is on the board of Directors for the Lakota youth Development - www.LakotaYouthDevelopment.org.
Contact Info:
Jerome Kills Small
P.O. Box 95 Utica, SD 57067
Home phone: (605)665-0739
Cell phone: (605)660-4366